Pregnancy Dance

Dance your way to a better birth
A great way to keep active and spend time with your unborn baby.

Pregnancy Dance provides wonderful benefits to your overall health. It helps you to loosen the hips and prepares you emotionally and physically for labour, birth and motherhood.

It will give you confidence in your body and in your ability to birth, reduce stress, tension and anxiety as well release hormones of pleasure, wellbeing and relaxation.

It's also a great way to stay fit and healthy, have fun and meet other mums.

Dance your way into a positive and empowering birth.


Stay fit and prepare your body for birth and beyond.


Reduce stress and anxiety by moving your body freely.


Develop trust in your own ability to birth your baby.

More Info

Dance and Creative Movement

10 per class

The Cart House at The Fold
Bransford WR6 5JB

No previous dance experience needed

Limited spaces available.

To confirm your place and have more information please enquire.

Let's walk together through a unique and beautiful motherhood journey.

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